Upcoming & past events
Summer/Fall 2024:
Launch of the "Sounding Crisis Podcast"
April 19, 2024:
Sounding Crisis Soundscape framing national conference on Environmental Humanities at Københavns Universitet (DK)
December 11, 2023:
Publication of the online journal Seismograf with the peer-reviewed audio paper "The Heartbeat of the Drum"
November 29, 2023, 15:15 - 16:45 CET:
Presentation of the interim conclusion of the Sounding Crisis research project at the Fagligt Forum of the Musicology section of IKK/KU at room 15a.0.13 on Søndre Campus in Islands Brygge, København. Open to everyone interested.
October 31, 2023:
Presentation of audio paper and findings from field research in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) at musicology seminar of Kristine Ringsagger at IKK of KU
October 24, 2023:
Presentation of the interim conclusion of the Sounding Crisis research project at the colloquium of the Sound Studies Lab online, open to everyone interested. You can join on Zoom via this link: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/65488389742
July 6, 2023:
Online-Presentation at ASAL & ASLEC-ANZ 2023 confrence "Re-Centering the Region"
June 14, 2023:
Presentation of research methods at the IKK-seminar "Using Digital Archives"
May 2 - 4, 2023:
Keynote Lecture at the Conference "Living in the Soundscape" in Katowicze, Poland
May 4, 2023:
Lund Workshop "Music's institution and the (De)Colonial"
April 21, 2023:
Presentation of Australian research findings at the IKK Fredagssalon of the Art & Earth research cluster
March 2, 2023:
Workshop at the University of Sydney
March 1, 2023:
Presentation at the University of Sydney
January 1, 2023, to April 6, 2023:
Field research in Australia, Guest Researcher at the University of Sydney, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
November 17, 2022:
Energies Consciousness Lecture #6: Douglas Kahn on Energies in the Arts
October 13 - 14, 2022: Participation in the conference Earth Sensations. Affects, sensibilities, and attachments in an era of climate change. Presentation of the paper "Energies Consciousness: Artistic engagements with the solar terrestrial environment" within the panel "Sensing Environments and Energies: Four Studies on Artistic Involvements with the Human-Nature Relationship." Venue: Aarhus University (Denmark).
September 24, 2022, 9:30 - 17:30 CET: Participation in the conference "Making a Scene - performative gestures of noise, interference, and destruction." Presentation of the paper: "Oprør eller Klimakollaps - Climate Activism as Noise, Artistic Intervention, and Sabotage." Venue: Department for Arts & Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 8, DK-2300 Copenhagen S.
September 14, 2022, 10:00 - 12:30 CET: Presentation of and workshop on the field research Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) and its resonances and reflections at the conference "What Sounds Do - New Directions in an Anthropology of Sound", respondent: Dylan Robinson. Venue: Rhythmic Music Conservatory Copenhagen, Leo Mathisens Vej 1, 1437 København, Denmark.
September 13, 16:30 - 17:30 CET: "Indigenous Listening Kinship with Non-Human Relations", keynote lecture by Dylan Robinson at the "What Sounds Do - New Directions in an Anthropology of Sound" conference (invited by the Sounding Crisis research project). Venue: Rhythmic Music Conservatory Copenhagen, Leo Mathisens Vej 1, 1437 København, Denmark.
September 13 - 16, 2022: "What Sounds Do - New Directions in an Anthropology of Sound", co-organizer of the first conference of the Sound Studies Lab at the University of Copenhagen, Department Arts & Cultural Studies, a collaboration with the Rhythmic Music Conservatory Copenhagen and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Copenhagen. Venue: Rhythmic Music Conservatory Copenhagen, Leo Mathisens Vej 1, 1437 København, Denmark.
September 7, 2022: Arctic Reflections - Climate Change and the Role of Arts and Culture in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) at CApE - Center for Applied Ecological Thinking, presentation of first field research findings by Ania Mauruschat and panel discussion in collaboration with the Greenlandic performance artist and poet Jessie Kleemann and the Danish cross-cultural researcher Kirsten Thisted
June 21 to September 3, 2022: Field research in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland)
June 16, 2022: Energies Consciousness Lecture #5: Andrew Belletty on "Listening to Country"
June 02, 2022: Energies Consciouness Reading Group
May 15, 2022: Energies Consciousness Lecture #4: Shelley Trower on Vibrations, Senses & Energies
April 30, 2022: Energies Consciousness Reading Group
April 21, 2022: Energies Consciousness Lecture #3: Jake Meginsky on Milford Graves
March 31, 2022: Energies Consciousness Reading Group
March 24/25, 2022: "Climate Change & Sonic Agency", lecture & workshop 2 with Salomé Voeglin speaking about "Listening to Wicked Provlems. Sound Studies as Transversal Studies" and and Solveig Gade (lecture funded by CEMES)
March 10, 2022: "Climate Change & Sonic Agency", lecture & workshop 1 with Åsa Helena Stjerna speaking about "Sonic Visions of the Arctic: Tracing Sound's Inherent Agency" and Sanne Krogh Groth (lecture funded by CEMES)
March 3, 2022: Energies Consciousness Online Reading Group
February 17, 2022: Energies Consciousness Lecture #2: Dominic Boyer on Energy Humanities
February 3, 2022: Energies Consciousness Reading Group
January 20, 2022: Energies Consciousness Lecture #1: Anders Svensson on
January 6, 2022: Energies Consciousness Online Reading Group
December 21, 2021: Project presentation
Presentation of research methods and publication channels of “Sounding Crisis” to students of the seminar “Formate des Wissens” at Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Braunschweig (GER)
December 7, 2021: Project presentation
Online-meeting with students from the Beethoven Gymnasium in Berlin-Lankwitz to present to them and discuss with them the research project “Sounding Crisis” in German.
Participation in the “Science is wonderful” week 2021, organised by the European Commission. The idea is to present your research to high-school students in their mother tongue.
Guest lecturer at the class “Musikvidenskab og politiske konflikter” by Kristine Ringsager at the University of Copenhagen
Guest lecturer at Sound Art class of Holger Schulze at University of Copenhagen
Presentation of “Energies Consciousness” Reading Group at Colloquium Sounds & Sensory Studies together with Jenny Graf Sheppard
Field research at Folkets Klimamarch in Copenhagen
Presentation of Dylan Robinson’s “Hungry Listening” at Colloquium Sounds & Sensory Studies together with Dr. Carla J. Maier
October 25, 2021 to November 2, 2021:
Frist field research trip to Greenland, attending the Nuuk Nordic Culture Festival
Presentation of first findings from field research at the Global Climate Strike on September 24, 2021 in Copenhagen to colleagues of the musicology section of the Department of Arst and Cultural Studies at the University of Copenhagen.
Field research at the Global Climate Strike in Copenhagen
Lecture at Annual conference of the German “Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft” (online)
“Sounding Crisis – Zur Sonic Agency künstlerischer Klimaforschung mittels Klang”, presentation of the project in German at the conference “Wissensökologien” in Innsbruck (AT) (online)
Hybrid kick-off event and project launch of “Sounding Crisis” on Zoom and at KU